Unlocking Online Earnings:
Ever since a pandemic struck the world, people have started opting for online earnings. Earning online is more of a side gig for many, and most do it to ensure financial security.
One such platform that lets people earn online is social media. You won’t believe it, but many businesses, entrepreneurs, and bloggers have flourished on social media platforms.
According to a study by GrowthGurus, “Social Media has served as a primary source for 33% of online customers to find a new product to purchase.”
In conclusion, social media is a fruitful platform for many businesses as it guarantees sales. Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram are excellent platforms for growing your business. However, you can only increase your business if you plan an effective social media strategy.
Here's how you can have an effective social media strategy and boost your business:
Step 1: Plan it all out:
Planning is a crucial step that helps you achieve your goal. It rightly directs you on a path where you know when to stop and when to go. Also, it enables you to priorities specific tasks.
When you priorities tasks, it helps you to achieve your goals faster.
Therefore, an effective social media strategy would be to lay out your entire plan on paper and follow it religiously. You can plan out the following goals and objectives :

- Creating brand awareness
- exploring different strategies to promote your brand
- reviewing your brand
- responding to customers
- networking
- collaborating with bloggers
- generating new leads
- boosting brand engagement
- offering good customer services
Knowing your audience helps you create relatable content. When you become aware of your target audience, you also become aware of the needs of your audience. You will know where to improve when you see the audience’s needs. And the day you learn how to improve, nobody can stop you from being a successful businessman.
Learning about your audience will also help you in educating them. You can educate them about your brand’s goal, mission, and value. In no time, many will become your loyal customers.
The audience gets attracted to exuberant content. The more light-hearted your story or post is, the more audience finds its way to your page.
Since social media stories are spontaneous, you can put up anything without prepping for it. For instance, you can share behind-the-scenes, put up a poll or add a swipe-up link to your website.
Putting up interesting stories and posts allows your followers to watch you closely. Also, it makes your followers feel more connected to you. Once they start relating to you, they start looking up to you. Eventually, you gain their trust, and they become your loyal customers. Loyal customers are always available to defend you and advocate your brand. Hence, you generate a loyal customer base and more sales
One effective social media strategy would be to always know about your competitors. You should be aware of what content they are posting and the frequency of their posts. Also, check their number of followers, so you know what following to target.
Analysing your competitor’s social media marketing strategy will help you construct your own marketing strategy. You can take inspiration from their content and produce unique content. All of this will help you to make your brand stand out.
Tracking your competitors will further let you price yourself competitively. You can learn more about them by:
- viewing their content
- reading their comments
- understanding how they interact with their audience.
Knowing details about your competitors provides you with an upper hand in the marketing world. You can strategise your marketing campaigns well and prove to be a better brand.
Social media platforms like instagram often give you insights on
- the number of accounts that reached your post
- On what day you had the most viewership
- How many accounts saved your posts
- Stats on your overall growth
- Total followers
All of this information will help you to analyse your overall performance. Based on your performance, you can review, redo and figure out things that need to be fixed in your content.
The more you post, the more you will find out what content, timing, and frequency work for you.
Most social media sites like Facebook and instagram have built-in analytics tools. These tools show how each post performs in views, clicks, shares, likes, and comments.
Look at performance metrics.
Also, besides the analytic tool, you can use UTM parameters and track your viewer as they visit your profile, so you can see what social media post drove the most traffic to your website.
Re-evaluating and testing your strategies will allow you to refine your performance. Also, constant testing allows you to track your growth over time. Therefore, it is essential to re-evaluate, test, and analyse your performance. Your consistency in checking and rechecking your strategies will determine your brand’s success.In conclusion, an effective social media marketing strategy is vital for the well-doing of your business. Throughout this journey, you will receive some unexpected results and some expected results, but don’t lose hope. It is important to remain determined and robust in building up your business.